Monday 26 March 2007

K9 Members Blogs

I expect that for some of you this is your first time venturing into the wonderful world of blogging. Blogging is a little like poker and poker forums, it can become quite addictive wether you have your own blog or simply read other peoples.

If you haven`t already done so you should click one of the links on the right and visit the other K9 members blogs, catch up with Murry`s exploits in the world of online poker, go read a crazy story at coconeely`s blog or see what Lightning has been up to.

Once you`ve done that you might want to try following a link at random from the list of blogs on the side of The Mouse Trap or from Lightning Strikes. There are some great writers out there, you can find some excellent poker strategy articles or you can just dip into someone`s life for half an hour. The choice is endless, you can go from blog to blog around the world in the click of a mouse. Different blogs offer different things, some writers are doing stuff that is really only for their own records or pleasure, others are writing to entertain or educate.

So take a few minutes and have a look around, you may be pleasantly surprised, you may even become addicted.

As I said in the forum if anyone decides they`d like to contribute a piece to this blog contact me at the e-mail address listed in the forum. Similarly if anyone decides they`d like to start their own blog I`m happy to help in anyway I can. Don`t worry about being an expert at HTML code, you don`t need to be, blogging is very user friendly.

That`s all for now, take care and good luck at the tables.


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